Usage directions

Below, select the IB exams you have taken and fill in your score. Once you've selected all your exams, press "find my UT credits".

If you don't know your IB score yet, enter the score as 0 and all possible combinations will be shown to you.

If an IB exam does not appear in this list, this means UT Austin does not accept this IB exam.

Took any AP classes?

Check how your AP credits transfer on the AP Credits Calculator!

Please note this tool has not been updated since 2018. Use at your own risk.

IB diploma only

The credits awarded only represent those earned with an IB diploma. IB certificate earned credits will not be incorporated into this tool.

IB exam


Data accurate as of 5/17/2018. Original credit equivalencies located on the UT Testing and Evaluation Services website.

Disclaimer: While this tool was made in good faith, there may be inaccuracies in this tool.
The tool author cannot be held accountable for unintended consequences as a result of you using this tool.
Please report inaccurate information to me at my UTCS email address (my last name at cs dot utexas dot edu).

© 2018 Jeffrey Wang. All rights reserved.
This tool is neither sponsored nor affiliated with the University of Texas at Austin.